In brief, three main issues: The language of sections 113 and 304 unambiguously requires federal enforceability for provisions that limit “potential to emit considering controls.” EPA’s “plain language” argument for repeal is simple misdirection. Contrary to Congressional intent, EPA has impermissibly drained “considering controls” of any meaning. The best reading of the statute is, roughly,…
Month: September 2019
About the Header Images
The images are all from the EPA’s “Documerica” project, a 1970’s program to send photographers across the U.S. to “record the state of the environment.” All images are courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration and are in the public domain. The most convenient way to access the images is through the Flickr website….
About Our Logo
Here it is: It has grass, sky, and an air pollution control device of about 95% control efficiency. Kind of crude, no doubt, but so is EPA’s. Let us know what you think!
About the Wiki
As you can see, the Air Wiki appears to be a separate site. That’s because we use WordPress for the main site, but instead use MediaWiki, the software used by Wikipedia, for the Air Wiki. This will allow the Air Wiki, should it take root and grow strong, to exist independently of Air Law for…
Welcome to the Air Law for All (“ALFA”) website! Here’s what ALFA plans to review in the near future: “Reclassification of Major Sources as Area Sources Under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act,” 84 FR 36304 (July 26, 2019) “Error Correction of the Area Designations for the 2010 1-Hour Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Primary National Ambient Air…